About US

About Our Website

Our story

Welcome to EnglishMovie.com, where the magic of cinema comes to life.

In the heart of 2023, a group of passionate cinephiles from diverse backgrounds congregated around a shared dream: to create an all-encompassing platform dedicated solely to English movies. We recognized the global influence of Hollywood and the profound impact it had on audiences worldwide. Yet, we felt that the magic of English cinema extended beyond just blockbusters and award-winners, and we sought to showcase that breadth and depth.

What began as a small database of movie reviews and trailers has grown exponentially into a comprehensive hub, offering curated lists, behind-the-scenes glimpses, exclusive interviews, and much more. Our team, spread across continents, is united by a shared love for cinema and a commitment to bring it closer to you.

Today, EnglishMovie.com stands as a testament to the transformative power of storytelling. We’ve had the privilege to be part of countless movie nights, family gatherings, and heated discussions about plot twists and character arcs. Every comment, share, and feedback we receive fuels our passion and inspires us to evolve further.


At EnglishMovie, we believe in the power of storytelling through the medium of film. Our philosophy revolves around the idea that cinema is not just entertainment, but a profound means of conveying emotions, ideas, and perspectives. We are committed to curating a diverse selection of English-language movies that inspire, provoke thought, and spark conversations.

We recognize that films have the ability to transcend boundaries and unite people across cultures and backgrounds. Whether it’s through drama, comedy, romance, or suspense, each movie we showcase carries a unique message and a story to tell.

Our aim is to provide a platform where movie enthusiasts, both casual viewers and passionate cinephiles, can discover, discuss, and appreciate the art of cinema. Join us on this cinematic journey as we celebrate the magic of storytelling through English movies.

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